Creative Beings @ Sham Shui Po
Project Period
Nov 2021 – Mar 2022
Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong
Project Lead
Social Ventures Hong Kong
Project Background & Inspiration
Sham Shui Po, in particular a section of Tai Nan Street, was nicknamed the “new Brooklyn” as a new influx of young creatives and entrepreneurs started to build their businesses in recent years. Since the area was dominated by textile and carwashing businesses, this influx of boutique coffee shops and creative businesses brought renewed interest in the neighbourhood. As the neighbourhood evolved rapidly, the question of possible gentrification also loomed: how can this youthful energy be channelled toward positive social change?
Having conducted the SSP District CoLab and built a network of local businesses in the neighbourhood, the Social Ventures Hong Kong (SVhk) team seek to further engage small businesses while giving youth a stronger voice in expressing their vision and hope for the city by curating the Creative Beings @ Sham Shui Po programme.
What happened in the project?
Youths are recruited via open call to join the programme curated with local businesses:
Held over five days, youths gathered together for the first time to rediscover their potential, personal purpose and possibilities in creating impact; changemakers, industry experts and community members were invited to share their first hand experience with the youth
Partnering with 11 local businesses, youths gained working experiences at these businesses and were mentored by business owners, who mostly had a creative entrepreneurial background
Creative Residency
Youths had to initiate and pilot their own innovative community projects in partnership with local businesses to reimagine the Sham Shui Po neighbourhood over a 2-month residency
Online Festival
The Online Festival was a celebration of the programme with virtual fireside chats and project showcases to explore the intersections of life, work and community
Project Impact and Key Takeaway
Has set an example of utilizing existing resources to activate a programme, from people (existing thought leaders from advertisiting, media, social influencers and film backgrounds), place (store fronts of local businesses), platforms (through social media channels and traditional media), to non-financial support from 80+ organizations
Built an innovative community collaboration model which leverages existing creative resources in combination with local presence of community organizations and businesses, and will be replicated in Kwun Tong, another neighbourhood that has a strong creative industry presence and is undergoing rapid change with an influx of international businesses
Project Gallery

Features/External Links
Unless otherwise specified, the programme materials listed below are available in Chinese only.
心浪潮 @ 深水埗 小冊子_更新版 (1027).pdf - Google Drive
心浪潮·深水埗 Creative Beings·SSP | Facebook
心浪潮@深水埗 | 文創及社會創新 青年實習計劃 (@creativebeings_ssp) • Instagram photos and videos
深水埗小店Speed Dating配對實習生 師徒制助年輕人發掘未來去向 (hk01.com)
三名少女加入殯儀業當實習生反思生死 難忘從業員提醒骨灰有重量 (hk01.com)
藝術女生走入理髮店「打雜」 改變工作生涯規劃:希望多啲接觸人 (hk01.com)
年青人如何重新思考與社區的關係?—— SVhk 心浪潮@ 深水埗 活動策劃人分享(上)