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Shek Wu Hui Effluent Plant Polishing Plant and Peripheral Area

Project Period

December 2017 - April 2019


Sheung Shui, Hong Kong

Project Lead

Good Lab

Project Background & Inspiration

Hong Kong’s Drainage Services Department planned to expand an existing effluent polishing plant and improve its environmental performance in anticipation of a growing population in the Northern District; it engaged a public sector innovation consultant to facilitate the community engagement process, in the hopes of bringing additional value to the community by providing extra public space and amenities befitting to local aspirations.

What happened in the project?

Community engagement initiatives included in-depth interviews, street booths and Design Thinking-inspired co-creation workshops, held to understand local residents’ lifestyles and concerns regarding the plant and to spark ideas for the future development of public co-use space within the facility and amenities around the adjacent area.

A district-based educational programme prototype that integrates the future effluent polishing plant with the local community, comprising three routes of community tours, under the themes of “Sustainable Living in Sheung Shui”, “Impact of Water in Local History”, and “Journey of Sewerage Treatment”; showcased and trialled in a series of public events within the community.

Project Impact and Key Takeaway

 A process of community engagement and co-creation helps ensure local buy-in and advance the design and formulation of public services including infrastructures that may otherwise be perceived as NIMBY (not-in-my-backyard)

Cross-sector collaborations with local residents and professionals even have the potential to turn unwanted public facilities into an asset for the community to enhance overall wellbeing


Transforming a NIMBY public infrastructure into a public community space that resonates with local desires and complements nearby natural landscape by facilitating a Design Thinking inspired participatory design process

Expanding beyond the confines of the pre-established work scope, specifically the existing effluent polishing plant, to unearth opportunities for innovation. This is achieved by connecting the plant with local neighbourhoods and the encompassing natural landscape, thereby fostering a symbiotic relationship through community tourism


Partnership between a public works department, local villagers, engineering & design professionals, and educators: with an intermediary organisation driving engagement activities and consolidating public opinions as a mutually trusted third party


Local residents became active contributors as they voiced their feedback and ideas on the planning and design of a public works project

Project Gallery

Features/External Links

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